Hiccups are involuntary spasms of the diaphragm often accompanied by the familiar "hic" sound. Why do we hiccup? It's a mystery.
Tips for Getting Rid of Hiccups:
Repeated swallowing works for mild cases. Do this by holding your breath and repeatedly swallowing as fast as you can, or by slowly drinking down a beverage with as many swallows as is possible. It's important that you hold your breath for as many gulps as you can. Placing a napkin over a glass of water can help moderate your speed.
Plug your nose and ears then swallow 20 times as fast as possible.
If you notice a friend has a case of hiccups, it is believed that your can 'scare' them away. Sneak up on them and give 'em a good jolt (Be careful though ;)). What? They don't have hiccups? Do it anyway!
Relax, sit still and breathe in deep, slow, rhythmic breaths expanding and contracting your lungs completely.
Distract yourself. Sing a song, go over your 7 times tables (7 x 1 = 7, 7 x 2 = 14, etc) until the hiccups are gone, Exhale completely and hold your breath for as long as possible.
Squawk like a chicken while flapping your arms and bobbing your head as if you were pecking at something. Bugawk!
Laugh. Think of something funny, or do something funny - see above.
Eat a tablespoon of peanut butter.
Stand on your head and drink small gulps of water from a sports bottle.
Exaggerate your hiccups by inhaling right as you hiccup - this will result in a long and loud "huuuaaagggghhh" that'll either be funny or embarrassing depending on your environment, but after 2-4 of these the hiccups should be gone.
Take a shot of lemon juice.
Let a teaspoon of sugar dissolve under your tongue.
Think of the ugliest person you've ever seen. Now picture them naked, rolling naked down a hill or riding a bike and slathered in A-1 steak sauce.
Eat some pickles.
Think the alphabet backwards as fast as you can.
Close your eyes, relax, still your mind and concentrate on nothingness until they're gone.